Mael Mórdha

Pauper of Souls

Mael Mórdha

From Black hills I descend,
A barbarous man.
A wolf amongst sheep
Amongst humanities... 'finest'

Floundering like rats
Blind in the daylight.
They Crawl and scrabble
O're the scraps of mistruth and Myth.

Far better:
-To be of faith
Black and barbarous.
Than of no faith at all.
-A wolf alone
On a hillside deserted.
Than one of a flock... faceless.

Miserable wretches
Swamped in a faceless grey
Huddle cold and doomed
To die, despite deaths guiding hand
(nursing them since birth)

From black hills I descend
A barbarous man
A wolf amid sheep
Amongst humanities 'finest'.
Far better to be of faith
Black and barbarous
Than one of a flock...faceless

Destined to die a pauper of life's riches
Destined to die a pauper of souls