Remember Man that doomed Ye are And doomed Ye shall remain As long as love burns on this earth To make your damned hearts break. So it was in times of old Right through our tragic history And so it shall be in times unborn 'Till judged for eternity. In a valley of fear I run A place where darkness dwells Pressing down on Me cruelly It crushes My spirit. Frantic I seek shelter To weather the incoming storm. Isolated I feel Yet I know of a thousand eyes Watching beyond the shadows. A panic sweeps through this land. The resulting fear breaks Me Their legions reek grief and pain As they tighten their grip on their newfound domain. With Me as fear's only subject I cry as they kill My soul. Pitch blackness descends as I weep for My loss. With nothing left for comfort The loneliness takes hold. My final companion With Me 'till the end. Ever present in pleasure and pain My own guardian angel truest one remains. With Her I feel like a hermit ….. Alone. At last becoming at peace with Myself So finally I can lay Myself to rest. Now the rain comes Torrent of cold misery Freezing My body Numbing My mind As each drop falls My life drips away And in the most lonely of moment I lay down and die. Staring into a black void I hear and eternal cry of grief. It lures Me to the darkness Does this ancient rhyme of madness I stand at the edge Near the place past no return. Standing at the edge Listening to the cry I burn. The burning awakes My consciousness. I rise and leave the darkness Back to the valley of torment Back to the land of My soul. With a word I banish all. Storm, shadows and torment. Left at last all Alone Alone with My one true Uaigneas. In the silence I reign. I grow wiser, all powerful. My body, My mind and soul All grow strong. Prowling this valley With vigor and passion. In the silence I reign. I grow wiser all powerful. My body, mind and soul All grow strong. Prowling this valley With vigor and passion. King of Myself now At last King of It All.