


Waking up again another sleepless night 
Climbing taller buildings more dreams of flight 
In a pool of sweat not knowing what to do 
No more earth-bound feelings a diff'rent point of view 

Moment of truth he heads towards the building 
His glazed eyes stare vacantly following his feelings 
No turning back the door's already shutting 
Standing on his tiptoes to reach the nineteenth button 

To miss a grasping hand 
(I'm falling again) 
And squash a passer-by 
(I'm falling again) 
He wanted to see some evidence 
(I'm falling again) 
That he could really fly 

Balanced on the edge only time could tell 
Some say he was pushed, others say he fell 
Standing on that rooftop his brain told him 'no' 
But all the dreams in nights before told him he must go 

To miss a grasping hand 
(I'm falling again) 
And squash a passer-by 
(I'm falling again) 
He wanted to see some evidence 
(I'm falling again) 
That he could really fly 

His questions and himself 
Nearly fell on stony ground 
He could've embarrassed his family 
Who watched him from the crowd 

Balanced on the edge only time could tell 
Some say he was pushed, others say he fell 

To miss a grasping hand 
(I'm falling again) 
And squash a passer-by 
(I'm falling again) 
He wanted to see some evidence 
(I'm falling again) 
That he could really fly 
(I'm falling ...)