Are you ready for showtime? Ah, come on, you can do better than that Are you ready for showtime? —just staring at me Well, I ain't never seen a piece of shit sittin' at my motherfuckin' table Eat that, motherfucker, eatin' every other goddamn thing in the house Shit, give me my shit, give me my shit I don't want you to have this shit I don't even want this shit, I just did that to fuck with you Give me my shit, just to fuck with you? Don't eat my shit Now you ain't got shit, what you gon' do, huh? What you gon' do, nigga? Ain't got a pot to piss in, or one of the [?] motherfucking [?] Some piece of shit You want me? You think you can do somethin' with me, nigga? Huh? Huh? Huh, bitch? I will cut your motherfucking hand off Give me-, I wish I fucking had a knife, I'll stab, I'll stab-, I'll cut your motherfucking heart off and eat that motherfucker right now Stank-ass motherfucker Goddamnit This is our house now!