Madam X

Miss Thing

Madam X

Miss Thing What You Got to Say?
We Saw a Honey Just the Other Day
A Wild Cat, a Loud Shirt
Thinking Up Stuff Just to Different

She Was the Only One to Love Him Up Right

Miss Thing - Where You Gonna Go?
You Ever Seen a Man Jump a Piano?
Guttertalk, Knock 'em Dead
Pompadour Six Inches Above His Head

Wa-la-ba-loomba.... Etc.

Miss Thing Please Tell Me Why
He Says "child" When He Meets Another Guy
Sweaty Staggering Out of the Swamp
Freaky-deak Dancing, Pumping That Pomp

Wa-la-ba-loomba.... Etc.

Turn It Up
Have Your Fill
Up in the Treble
A Voice Like a Power Drill.