(talking) She was living in a single room with Three other individuals one of them was A male and the other two,well the other two were females Lord only knows what they were up to in there And further more susan i wouldn't be the least bit surprised To learn that all four of them had eventually smoked marajuanacigarettes .... refers I smoke two joints in the morning I smoke two joints at night I smoke two joints in the afternoon And it makes me feel all right. I smoke two joints in time of peace And two in time of war I smoke two joints before i smoke two joint, And then i smoke two more. Daddy he once told me, "son, you be hard workin' man" And momma she once told me, "son you do the best you can" Then one day i meet a man, He came to me and said, "hard work good and hard work fine, But first take care of head" Whoa rock me to the night Ja said