
Sanctity In Murdere


Annihilation of eg slaughter- 
crushing once constraint torture-add to suicidal instinct
worshipnig the path of death reshape the day of reckonig
forwarding to kill be  reborn as a 
serenade  under the eyes of wrath crawl to the reunification
increasing once pride  slaughter-
withdrawal of restraint suicide
the way to abandonment an assembly of the chaos pattern creator
of secklusion and apostasy the 
coulisse of deadending saints marauders
carving at the  sickening guilt complex succeeding in
deprivation of vitality murder
calling upon self 
destruction slaughter
seduced to crave fulfilment suicide
the only way out  stumbling to deprassion as a stagegering prey
of agony lust is the key to 
destruction envy
the beholder  of wrath  gaining whilst inflicting mourning
calling upon self 
destruction suicide
seduced to crave fulfilment suicide
the ending chapter