Still trying to figure out what I find comforting And who's gonna take account for all this suffering? It's not always gloomy I'm assuming if you sing too, It might give me the power to wake up again Let's be honest, it's kind of hard to find beauty here And a cobweb of a longleg, solace it would appear solid Mr. blockhead with a wooden spirit Tell the doctor we're all dead and it's looking serious I've been at shows where the acted like they couldn't hear it So I substituted my saliva for truth serum This crooked look is piercing, it could burn a hole through you I see through your two-faced ways despite the both of you Askin' for a penny in a mechanical city Black phantom of the back alleys, poet of the square smokers Rappin filthy where the animals with guilty pasts Ration out their fat yellow bellies? the share holders Damn it's cold here Will the people start dancing when the smoke clears? I need a reason to keep walkin Daydreamin of the evil in my walkman Say a prayer for the people in the audience Say a prayer for the people in their coffins And keep walkin Vanish through the alleyways (ghosts) Past the green room And have drink tickets to the point where I can't perceive truth If god is in the building then I can't see you Even if they put their hands up in the air that won't redeem you It's the place where they start fables They spend money on jack and coke but are flat broke when they hit the merch table Now we hand out for the wolves and the people that are hungry And won't sacrifice records to get some cheddar with their lunch meat I just pray for that some day, around here we get more rain then we ever get a sun break It's never enough to get something and I wish I could say that I was humble enough to be blessed at some king But it feels like hip hop's dead, I don't know who killed it The poison in the pen or in the heads of who built it If I don't know the ledge how can I expect that the children won't jump to their death when they question what real is? There is cold here Will the people start dancing when the smoke clears? I promise that I will leap first Just a starving artist surviving off eating my words Say a prayer for the people in their coffins Say a prayer for the people in the audience Keep walkin