Sex Toys, Making noise, Vibrate moviment, Making our moment, Sucking my dick, You gonna see, I have milk for you E.T., Love sucks, History, Gonna cum, Melody, Bring me back, In love (In love) with your big (big) . (CHORUS) And I say to you, Suck my dick your bitch (bitch), Tá querida, ta-ta-tá querida! You gonna see, It's gonna be glue, Make it with blood, 'n make it nude, Tá querida, ta-ta-tá querida, Touching my, touching you, Touching your mother too, Tá querida, ta-ta-tá querida, 'n I repeat to you, Make it make it make it nude, tá querida, ta-ta-tá querida! Bitch please, Jeffree wants a big (big), Nothing than a shit (shit), Gaga wants to ride, On your dick, On your fucking climb, BOTDF, like glam, like trash, Beating drops in the clash, Miley Cyrus is a bitch, A little (little) chick, 'n ima a geek, ima a mother fucking geek, Britney wants with 3, I just want with 6. And I say to you ... (GONNA FUCK YOU!) (CHORUS) Gonna gonna glue, Gonna gonna be cool, Take your clothes off, Take it off, Take-take-take it off, Take your virgin too, Take your dick (dick) too, Show me not, Show (show) me not, Make it hard, make it cool, Take it off, 'n fuck me too, That's for you IFSA (MOTHER FUCKERS!) (CHORUS) Love me, 'n love me not, Touch me, 'n touch me not, I wanna you In my... Idiot Fucker of Sticker Ass