Machine Translations

Hateful + stray

Machine Translations

repeat after me 
to shop is adventure don't go 
drowning all the time 
you're stuck in the record you'll go 
down where they recognise you at 4 in the morning 
you'll just think and sell down 
you're so 
yarts dna lufetah 

on thirst avenue 
you keep falling over if you 
reach in you can reach out 
while burning at both ends you got 
cable television and food on the table 
don't you think it's so hard being 
yarts dna lufetah 

repeat after me 
love is a window don't go 
breaking everything 
you're stuck in the record you'll see 
down where they recognise you at 4 in the morning 
you'll just wink and wink out 
you're so 
yarts dna lufetah