Machine Translations

If The Water Runs Dry

Machine Translations

if the water runs dry 
walk into midnight 's eye 
never touch the sides 
what anne was seeing
there's more to come 
and if the water runs dry 
from being alive 
you're fine again 
you showed me every fall 
and i remained 

if the water runs dry 
curse the sky 
can't make it mine 
drowners are crawling on 
coming to soon be gone 
and if the water runs dry 
from holding on 
call again 
sure as daylight's stare 
you're close now 

when the waters come down 
you'll soon be in the fireman's hall 
let the cold night in 
coming to soon be gone 
like these soldiers 
bide so long and hide your face 
when the water runs dry 
you'll understand 
it's all worked out 
come and moving on 
is it raining now