Farewell ye dungeons dark and strong Farewell, farewell to thee, Macferson's time will no be long on yonder gallows tree. Twas by a woman's treacherous hand that i was condemn'd to dee, Above my head at a window she stood, a blanket threw ower me. Untie these bands fae aff my hands an gi tae my sword, And there's nae a man in all scotlan, but i'll brave him at a word. Well there's some come here for tae see me heng and some tae buy my fiddle, But 'ere i come tae pairt wi her, I'll brack her doon the middle. He took his fiddle in baith his hands and brack it owerr his knee, And said when i am deed and gone nae ither shall play thee. The courier he came oe'r the brig o'Banff Tae set Macferson free, But they put the clock at a quarter afore and hanged him fae the tree. Sae rantin'ly, sae wantonly, sae dauntin'ly gaed he, He played a tune, an he danced it roun', about the gallows tree