Guerra santa y poder supremo [holy war and supreme power] El pueblo gritando, "¡esto no es justo!" [the people shouting, "this is not right!"] Libertad usado con pretexto [freedom used with pretext] ¿cuántas vidas cuesta tu "progreso"? [how many lives does your "progress" cost?] Grita/grita [shout/shout] Mi voz no calla [my voice won't silence] Injusticia [injustice] Y todo cambia… [and everything changes…] Las bombas ahora traen justicia [bombs now bring justice] El oro negro, la ciega codicia [black gold, blind greed] Confusión/noticias en los medios [confusion/news in the media] La verdad es siempre un mal negocio [the truth is always a bad for business] Grita/grita [shout/shout] Mi voz no calla [my voice won't silence] Injusticia [injustice] Y todo cambia… [and everything changes…] Imposición de su cultura [imposition of their culture] Represión de la resistencia [repression of the resistance] Derechos ahora en peligro [rights are now in danger] Una voz declara nuevo reino [a voice declares new reign] Apatía consume y trae silencio [apathy consumes and brings silence] Como águila con garras en tu cuello [like an eagle with claws on your throat] Grita/grita [shout/shout] Mi voz no calla [my voice won't silence] Injusticia [injustice] Y todo cambia… [and everything changes…]