Lyah Sharon

Secret Nirvana

Lyah Sharon

Private Nrvana 
had said a time to me that the mace killed the snow 
white and banished Adam and Eva of the paradise But if thishappened 
because alive in the sky? 
I live in the place that is nirvana nirvana of the sin perhapsbut 
nirvana where you can make what I to want with me I come I leaveto 
take you boy I come I leave I to take you girl the life I am very
short and I am only 

A full place of sin comes to know nirvana lost where the sin 
does not arrive because sin is not to love Comes you dear comes
darling a gift mine for you my heart and my 
soul does 
Chorus 2x 
not cry for me I does not cry for you If I was even so I ambecause 
you never he was enough but one day could be enough... 
Chorus 2x