Being born must hurt a lot I'd think Ripping through to reach this disappointing light. Slap me on the ass again and knock this choking free. Slap me harder till I'm right, slap me till I shriek. Give me credit give me trust, give me love in small amounts. Give me guilt and give me shame, give me life and don't explain. Give me sex, responsibility and trade my hope for doubt. Give me more, make me your whore, and give me, give me, give me pain. Tell me why you put me through this, Tell me what's a girl to do, Tell me where the action is. Wet my taste and let me down. Tell me what the future holds, Tell me what's left of this soul, Hold me down and fuck me over, Stain this precious wedding gown Innocence Lost No hope no fear no turning back, No chance no tears no second guess, No time, no shit, we fade to black, no way to fix this fucking mess. No ray of light to show the way, No way to cheat the cards we're dealt No path to outsmarting ourselves Snowballs in hell, it's time to melt.