Bring it to the front everyone sit and mass-consume Was given for the body for the growing in tune Take it everyday and never take away And never take apart the living power of the way Fall in line to take divine power online to feed my mind What's it gonna be forever hannibal forever durable they say I'm a cannibal blood -sucking animal Beat the maniacal sound underground when I bite down They take and forsake the lycan taking nothing away everyday Never meant to be never gonna never wanna never got it never give it Never live it never ever gonna quit it now seek it still seek it wrong Seek it in the other brother making orthopraxy gone I don't know what you gonna do nothing right is what we see What to be leading into apathy lost here comes the cost In radical into fanatical sabbatical cause they say I find my peace of mind in the vine of divine in the sign of the right line I am smelling like a rose that the father gave me When he's taken me empty ever be wanna be clarity charity I know where gonna go to the land of the hand With the nail tearing through the veil We'll see we're gonna be in the city of the one Who begun its already done