Parvulesco I Soldiers already lost in a war that becomes Ever more total, ever more occult We bear at the very edges of this world The spiritual arms and the most enigmatic Destiny of military honours From the beyond: in the ranks both visible and invisible Of the Black Order to which we belong Those whom death has struck down March on side by side with those who are still standing Hitler II When our party consisted of only seven men It already had two principles Firstly, it wanted to be a party with a true ideology And it wanted to be the one and only power in Germany This racially best of the German nation courageously demanded To be the leaders of the country and the people Whoever feels he is the carrier of the best blood And has consciously used this blood to guide the nation Will face this leadership and will not renounce it This is the selectring ground for German political leaders Its doctrine will be the unchangable Its organisation will be hard as steel... But its tactics will be flexible Its total image, however will be like that of a holy order It is our wish That this state shall endure for thousands of years We are happy to know that the future belongs to us Completely Long live National Socialism Long live Germany Hess III The party is Hitler Hiter is the party Germany is Hitler Hitler, SIEG HEIL!!!