A chill wind blows through Asgard's fields As a hero rests upon his shield. We weep, but our wearied souls will mend, As we fill our hearts with tales of his end. One hundred-twenty of us are gathered here this day, To send another of the mighty on his way. This man sailed with Huginn And made bows from mighty trees, Another man slew giants and brought Loki to his knees, Now they will join the ranks In the spear-wall Beneath the roof of shields At Odhinn's golden hall! The tales of our folk, And our heathen pride Shall resound through the ages- As sleipnir ever rides. Even their sorrow'd deeds Shall be told with mirth, While immortal flagons raise Until the ends of the Earth. Hail the fallen, tell their tales Around the fires, over ales Heroes in honour lie See that legends never die!