Son of a bastard, given to shout for him, a nation awaited He prayed to the god of men and saw a time of blood Ships were built, a fleet for the ages Wine and spears were taken aboard such spectacle had ne'er been seen since Agammemnon made his war! Said Harald: "Bring your Bastard King! He has no claim to Mercia! He'll find naught here but slaughter, and an ignominious death!" And so they mustered Saxon men for marching to the sea, With Mercians to arms again and Welsh bows by their side. The Northmen came to fight! Leaving Armour at the shore Charging on to Wessex, blood stained the forest floor. At Stamford Bridge the Vikings fell, down to one, who with his axe, made the Saxons fear his name! At the battle many will fall from farmer to mighty king. On the anvil of shatter'd shields, a nation was forged in blood. To Battle, a hill of verdant green, brightly shone the midday sun. William and a thousand horse sallied, men of sword and spear did follow Once again the mighty fyrd made line and crashed their shields Dregs of men, but no less brave, with furrowed brows and beaten steel Arrows flew but few fell Up the mighty hill they charged into the English lines; The knights tore Saxon flesh and mail Irony of valour showed Son of Godwin shot in th'eye, his army laid like winterwheat before the peasant scythe.