Winds from the Morrigan blowing from the east, The shadow of a midnight falling ending our peace A Sage rom a bloody past whisp'ring tales of old, She sheds her cloak of ravens, reveawling blackness' soul The sickle and the scythe lie rusting where we tread The flowing blood of heroes fallen mingling with our dead Marching 'til dawn Fighting on and on to fell the Goddess Morrigan, fighting on and on. The wind comes with a warning, begging a full retreat, the snows of Asgard trampled under- we pay no heed. And her black-toothed smile spreads in laughter's hold, The glowing eyes of Mordred's stare shall quench the coming cold. The sickle and the scythe lie rusting where we tread The sword and the axe are instruments of death And now! I alone must stand, the only man alive and breathing I've knelt on the bloody sand, the Gods of all I am beseeching! to bring a judgement to their daughter, this bitch who's taken my men from me! Marching 'til dawn Fighting on and on To fell the Goddess Morrigan, Fighting ever on!