Necromancer tyrant Necromancer tyrant Necromancer tyrant Necromancer lord of destruction Necromancer tyrant is a demigod, a demigod who was born part human, part numan..... The numan was called ahriman The woman called morrigan...... There was a village called the under realms frost within which lived priests, monks, shamans & elves He wants to impale..... He wants to deface..... The necromancer must lacerate the hearts & slash the faces off those fucking virgin cunts..... The darkest spell desires the faces & hearts of pure sane priests, monks, shamans to bring back his dead wife.... He..... will..... massacre all those fucks he..... will......annihilate them for lust... Necromancer tyrant Necromancer tyrant Necromancer tyrant Lord of destruction All hail the tyrant Necromancer tyrant All praise the tyrant Genocidal sinister Genocidal sinister Genocidal sinister