I seek the book of life in order to retrieve it i must go Beneath the burning pits..... in order to get this book I have to face the demons that protect it & live of its Gifts...... I must go in the den of evil & find the one named swarm & kill & dismember..... I must find the book of life i have just killed One undead soul & there is one more left to kill...... I have to pass the brutal grounds to kill the one called Blunderbore...... This unholy beast will infect your blood with itchy Giant lampreys & consume your genitals...... Shnarlogs book eternal life no more death Shnarlogs book eternal life fight for it Shnarlogs book eternal life fuck shit up Shnarlogs book eternal life death no more...... Shnarlogs book eternal life...... Shnarlogs book eternal life...... Shnarlogs book eternal life...... Shnarlogs book eternal life......