


Tom: A

Album: Rendezvous

Song Tabbed by: Ralph Koziarski

This is a great song, and very very easy to play



over and over again as quick downstrokes while bass plays the following




Play A, E5, Bm  as bar chords (Bm on 7th fret)

A         E5               Bm
We were brown and we were down
A         E5               Bm
We were black and we were slack
A         E5          Bm
We are digging us a hole
A         E5              Bm
there is nothing in this bowl

Same as verse except let open strings sound

  A  E5 Bm

A      E5   Bm
On the way to Kansas City
A       E5                Bm
Tell me who im supposed to be
A            E5   Bm
Its raining rain its raining snow
A           E5            Bm
tell me where you want to go

Break down

Following the chorus guitar 1 plays the same chords but partially palm

muted while guitar two plays one note embellishments that should be





and so forth

verse 2 (Bass only)
A       E5                Bm
I don't want to take your call
A E5                   Bm
I refuse to climb your wall

(guitar 1 comes back in)

A       E5                Bm
I don't want to ride your buss
A     E5             Bm
I am tired of all of us

Durring the second verse, the lead guitar throws in this quick frill

after the Bm

-9----x--9------| (play somewhat muted)


On the way to Kansas City,
tell me who i'm supposed to be.
It's raining rain, it's raining snow,
tell me where you want to go.

Break down

before the solo play with your feedback to get an effect not unlike a

teapot whistle starting to go off.

Solo ( w/fuzz distortion)

this is not exact, its just here to give you an idea of the notes being

played. Improvise around this theme or listen to the album and play





Like in all of his other solos, Sean Eden takes a rather simple line

and makes it melodic and pretty.

Remember to be lyrical when playing, the melody more or less follows

that of the vocals.


Durring the outro the play the barre chords with open strings very

quickly and powerfully.

To get that background ring, one of the guitars can play the following

chords instead. But this isn't done in the actual song


end abruptly.

I'm in the process of figuring out a lot of other songs from

"Rendezvous" so stay tuned. Here's a preview of whats next:

Chord progression for "Still at Home"
Verse: A, F#m
Chorus: D, A, E
Outro Solo:  F#m, E, B

Any comments, requests or corrections. Email to *