Hidden in shadows of broken destination My soul yells for the final consolation Where words are needless silence is frequent Like my constant erection... I beg for further attractions To improve my sexual fantasy Oh you poor tiny girl I want You to piss on my naked breast You're the bitch I hate but wanna fuck ! Or even watch fingering at night! ... Now preparing for full Moon to come Whilst Dimness comes into Dark... ... If only I could have turned back that time I would have surely run away before You left me to rot In front of Your frozen heart Now You're asking me why I cry so loud? Can't You see? I'm fighting right now In the middle of everlasting war! Deprave Yourself it's better than You suppose I'll shed my skin to let You touch my bones And push Your eyes inside Your head I don't care if You suffer till the end Relax Yourself it's easier than You suppose I'll shed my skin to let You suck my balls And push Your eyes inside Your face I don't care if You suffer till erase... till death I die for my own sins Not for Yours anymore! It's cold... I used to suffer from Your coldness But not anymore... Definitely not! Krew na skórze Spekane dziury niczym aktywne stygmaty Obdarty ze skóry z nadzieja konca dnia W pólmroku opatrze swe rany Obdarty ze skóry z nadzieja koṅca dnia W pólmroku przeczekam swa ṡmierċ...