To a gossamer rose I will as vivid as you are Let this flow be as vivid as you are My gossamer rose Rings a gossamer bell Though dulcimers as well In every birds wing then and now The wind that churns the turning mill The soil singed could reach me out Climbing will in blacks and greens If only for to taste the wine My gossamer rose To a gossamer rose In your eye It's in the courting of her eye The cards that pass from hand to hand In wily steps on winters shore Supermarkets Bedroom floors Does summer pressing on my mind If only for to me remind In rattles at the cellar doors I want you Come find me naked I'm only heavy in the chest below A gossamer rose In your eye If only for to vivid love Caught for time If only for to vivid love Bones are chalk If only for to vivid walk Score the road If only for to vivid know