The times have changed from water to wine And all they say is that the children are increasing the crime The rotten road of fortune and gold Has met its end and now a brand new generation will rise The yell of freedom surrounds in a higher zone Breaking all the roots of cruel intentions The yell of freedom surrounds in a higher zone Now they know the taste of the damnation Our flag is flyied From now to the end In the new century, you just can´t deny You can´t see things the way you saw them when we found out the fire We´ve got a point of no return The chains are broken and there is no way to stop us now The yell of freedom surrounds in a higher zone Breaking all the roots of cruel intentions The yell of freedom surrounds in a higher zone Now they know the taste of the damnation Our flag is flyied From now to the end The yell of freedom! The yell of freedom!