Luis Wasques

Save me Lord

Luis Wasques

His life was guided by god 
In church or anywhere 
He put his life in sacrifice for the words said by the lord 

With bible and the cross 
And the faith into his heart 
He never could imagine that one day he could get lost 

When the evil started his act 
His mind just turned to black 
The more he fought against that the more he turned to mad 

There was no place to hide 
There was no priest to bless 
The only thing he could think was that evil was behind 

He got down on his knees and started to cry in the rain 
He wanted get the force to ask the lord to stop his pain 

Save me lord 
Save me lord again 
From the fallen angel´s flames 
Save me lord 
Save me lord again when did I go wrong  

He just can´t sleep at night 
The visions keep on scream 
Now he´s paying for his sins and for selling heaven´s light 

He oppened Jesus store 
He played with someone´s faith 
His pocket´s full he has a pact with evil for sure 

He praied and asked for mercy but no prayer for the bad 
His mind was full of evil and the goodnes was all dead 

Save me lord 
Save me lord again 
From the fallen angel´s flames 
Save me lord 
Save me lord again when did I go wrong