In the frosty forest primeval secret preservetl The crypt where I spent another night in solitude. I open my eyes, Darkness embraces my body Awaken as an immortal Wolves announce my return. The time has come... Driven by the winter glades In the fullmoon glow I walk the forgotten paths. Born from the ancient magic, I am the destruction of Christ herds. Leading the shadow armies Armed with hell-torged weapons We will strike with crushing power. Screams of dying will be our nourishment Your end has come, prepare for death! The war we started Will end the age of the cross, The cult of Jewish God. Temples will be turned to ruins Decrepit old man in white robes Sitting in his noble throne Will be pierced with sword. The heart of squalid faith, will be turned to ashes. The skies were pierced By fiery thunderbolts The blood rain fell on the soil. Again, I hid in my tomb Among great trees, And I will rise again In the land free from Christian hegemony...