Comin' a time, B.D. women, they ain't gonna need no men Comin' a time, B.D. women, they ain't gonna needs no men Oh, the way they treat us is a low down and dirty thing B.D. women you sure can't understand B.D. women you sure can't understand They got a head like a sweet angel² and they walk like a nach'l³ man B.D. women, they all done learned their thing B.D. women, they all done learned their thing They can lay their jive just like a natch'l man B.D. women, B.D. women, you know they sure is rough B.D. women, B.D. women, you know they sure is rough They are drink up many a whisky and they sure can strut their stuff B.D. women, you know they work and they make their dough➃ B.D. women, you know they work and they make their dough And when they get ready to spend it, they know the place where to go