
Chemical Warfare


Frantic minds are terrified
Life lies in a grave
Silent death rides high above
On the wings of revelation

Multi death from chemicals
Arrogance has won
Annihilation must be swift
Destroy without destruction

Gods on the throne must be watching from hell
Awaiting the mass genocide
Soldiers defeated by death from a smell
Bodies lie dormant no life

Rising new souls on the lands where they fell
Demons not ready to die
Nothing to see where the sleeping souls lie
Chemical warfare

Artificial fucking peace
Line up in a death row
Generals in their slow defeat
Diminished from this hell

Banished from the dying world
The lords of hell await
Dogs of war are helpless prey
To immortality

Gods on the throne must be watching from hell
Awaiting the mass genocide
Soldiers defeated by death from a smell
Bodies lie dormant no life

Rising new souls on the lands where they fell
Demons not ready to die
Nothing to see where the sleeping souls lie
Chemical warfare!!!

Fuck it up!

The torture kills the troops that try to fight
Human pesticide bring days of doom
Mist falls
The deadly gas that brings them to their knees
Steal the soul and send his corpse to hell

Mummified regions lying in dust
Fall victim to this game
Petrified corpses bathing in rust
Taken without being blamed

Falsified spirits farther they fall
Soon they will join us in hell
See the sky burning the gates are ablaze
Satan awaits eager to merge

Gods on the throne must be watching from hell
Awaiting the mass genocide
Soldiers defeated by death from a smell
Bodies lie dormant no life
Rising new souls on the lands where they fell
Demons not ready to die
Nothing to see where the sleeping souls lie
Chemical warfare

Mentes frenéticas estão 
A vida jaz em um cemitério
Morte silenciosa passeia no alto
Nos ventos da revelação
Multi-morte a partir de químicos
A arrogancia tem vencido
Aniquilação tem de ser rápida
Destruir sem destruição

Deuses do trono devem estar assistindo do inferno
Esperando genocídio massivo
Soldados derrotados pela morte por olfato
Corpos dormentes sem vida
Levantando novas almas nas terras onde eles caíram
Demônios despreparados para morrer
Nada para ver onde as almas dormentes jazem
Guerra Química

Paz artificial
Posicionada numa fila de morte
Generais em suas lentas derrotas
Diminuem deste inferno
Banidos do mundo morimbundo
Os lordes do inferno aguardam
Cachorros da guerra são presas inajudáveis
para imortalidade

A tortura mata as tropas que tentam lutar
Pesticida humano traz dias de morte
Neblina cai
O gás mortífero que os fazem caírem de joelhos
Roubar a alma e mandar os cadáveres para o inferno

Regiões mumificadas jazendo em pó
Caem vítimas deste jogo
Cadáveres petrificados banhados em impurezas
Tomados sem serem repreendidos
Espíritos falsificados alongam suas quedas
Logo se juntarão a nós no inferno
Veja o céu queimando os portões estão em chamas
Satã aguarda ávido para emergir