Devilish men, off to battle Godless warriors, undefeated The adversary speaks through my voice. Caressing my heart with no remorse. In me I hold a beast of such horror. The blackest aura ever seen, a shade so divine. Those who dwell in hell, heed my call The ultimate fusion. Samael and lilith combined as one, take the stage. I am cain. Slit my throat but I don't seem to bleed. My soul writhes in a sinful ecstacy. Engulfed by shadows of death Dis, dis harmonic crys! Pierce the silence. Hiss, hissing from the snake of the deceiver Indulging in pleasure preserving through pain Slit my throat but I don't seem to bleed. My soul writhes in a sinful ecstacy Engulfed by shadows of death The adversary speaks through my voice. Caressing my heart with no remorse. In me I hold a beast of such horror. The blackest aura ever seen, a shade so divine. Those who dwell in hell, heed my call Hung by the throat but yet I'm still alive Shot in the head, let the lead fill my veins