Mother i count on you in Childhood you helped me Survive but when i Was small you do not Gave what i needed Love and affection you I handed it to my father With 9 months of born You put on the mitts My hand to hide My hand. I stayed several days When in incubator I went home i Slept by day and played At night and you talked "this boy will not let me Sleep "and it hit me you would My father is fighting with raised You no matter if you are Gay, lesbian, transsexual You should be glad god loves you Even if people hate you You can not give up I have a disability or So i'll give up everything Maybe my mother's love Way i am I always say we always find A light at the end of the tunnel Mother i count on you in Childhood you helped me Survive but when i Was small you do not Gave what i needed Love and affection you I handed it to my father With 9 months of born