U are my girl U have my heart I have your soul And this way we'll go far So climb on my back Then I show u all the world Give me your hand Then I take U were U wanna go When I sleep on your chest When I feel your deep Breath When U wake me Up With a kiss And u touch me With your lips It's the perfect time To say that I love U And forever I will stay by your side To Change your mood And together we solve all the problems that we have To But for To night I just.. I just wanna hear your Voice U have blue eyes U have the truth by your side I love your blonde hair and your perfect huge cheek And I wanna live all my Life by your side But it's all on U, live your Life or live mine! And I ensure u that if u come With me all your dreams will become true But I can't wait To long I really wanna marry u U are my end, u are my ruin Without u I'm blinded, without u I'm lost So climb on my Back, Give me your Hand, sleep on my chest and touch me With your lips Then I show u the World!