Class open your textbooks Hmm.. to the next school I put the formula in the bottle system registers volume But now all the mixes fixate and create the perfect limerick Mixed with bits of old shit Molded in Cold Crush increments rudiments recital Chronicle ignite on piles of paper Reaction rate escapes the scopes of isotopes called yes yes y'all so pipe you toke all dank smoke provokes the musical, whimsical, chemical, quantum lyrical stylist, compiling, reply to the stimuli Exemplified by the amplified phenomena Deep like operas, completing thoughts to the, finish in this I'm about to dent a sentence with the emphasis on sentiments Now as we enter this, Fifth phase of Hip-Hop Nowadays concave sights are prazed in amazing phrase A Purple Haze of latent pressure Methods blow, to a calculation formed a year ago Clear concise in theory enticing these Chemical compounds givin the raw sound to the beat Now class I pass the vapors, along with the syllabus And the context of my course next to the next is wordsound language Verbatim simulations crazy trace the field notions Concocting, elemental variums of dopeness Two portions of distortion, and a can of corned "real" with the universal science and, project appeal Where we'll stand starry-eyed, at applied analysis Case's b-boy inferences, substance infinite Imprint principles to postulate expression Krush Groove combustion, as testin the best in speak techniques, kinetic or organic For mix tape fanatics who be braggin that they have it over the average ass platinum savages, unravelling scientific notations obeying the fertile wind Bend, lung power for hours, avoiding perilous flights with earscopes and two mics, verbal showers over cowards through the force of thermodynamic anti-matter, OK It's granted to propensity of lyrical intensity multiplied by three point one four, or pi Cause it's diction of fragments in time Now class All further instructions will be given at the end of the recital Not to be misconstrued with anything else here we're teaching hip-hop Beats, lyrical stylings Love it, live it Hip-Hop, l'chemy