Living a duality Maybe an ambiguity Where there are good and evil Where there are God and devil Describing right and wrong Before the death of life Let this flesh and blood And change the body and mind Love of two, they said, is one Two is a perfect pair Two worlds are also well known They are heaven and hell Living on earth and looking at the sky What's yours and what's mine? Subject and object, you and I How to measure the distance from a point to a line? Among men and women Some are rich and some are poor Among adults and children Some are tall and some are short Society is made of individuals Where there are ups and downs The concreteness of the abstract Is what determines our freedom As short as space and time Controlled by waves and particles The real turns unreal And what exists simply disappear We're called free spirits And between two, saying yes and no With love and hate, we choose one third way Close enough and far enough This new alternative, perhaps misunderstood Was created as a group Apparently, with no order But the loyalty of the historian and the philosopher