There's something subversive about you and me 'Cause there's a market-value on love and we're getting something for free I don't know why, but when we're apart something makes me want to start Setting fires and kicking down doors I hope we never have to resort to dividing what is mine and what is yours There's something coercive about the way some people smile Wide open as if to say, "Come on in and browse a while" And some time when your resistance is low Remember that I know Whose your favourite Pogue There's a place in my soul where noone else can adore you And like the poet-soldier says, "I would spill my blood for you" There's nothing conclusive in this whole world 'Cause flags can change and martyrs die and there're many towns left to burn But somewhere between there and here, for one night, hold me near And sing my shallow tears And we'll drink but not to forget But to remember instead All our happy years