Our fortunes are fleeting And our passage in steer And God knows if I'll perish In my twenty-fifth year In this ship full of scurvy With my bride at my hand But I shall kiss her tenderly In the great Newfoundland And it's love/hope that we follow today If we dare follow St. Brendan's way Our fathers were tillers And our mothers knew chance And we've tasted hunger In Ireland and France And these seeds of misfortune St. Bartholomew's Day Shall be drowned in the new world Chosen St. Brendan's way There's a light shining on you tonight A siren call, a harbour town, a northern light A curse on the Union Jack On it's empire and lance And I'll piss on the troubled head Of king Charles of France But that's all behind us now a thousand miles away And nothing can match the beauty In the sight of Gaspe There's salt on your naked skin And there's salt in my tears And without you I'd pass away Under these privateers But that baby inside you Is the work of our hand A child of the revolution And a free thinking man