I have learned to never trust a handshake or a smile I had my doubts on that train The fear and the sublime inside a sixty-four Vauxhall Cigarettes, Rosy and Grey Forget the pickpockets and thieves 'Cause the only taste it leaves is the blood red wine and the land Bootleg beer out of a van, the night that never seemed to end Your sleep is safe in Penedono's hand The future is uncertain and the end is always near The message came from British MTV After two years in the army on a mandatory tour Freedom is sometimes hard to see Then we'll raise another glass Better days go by so fast We drink to Salazar's last stand And to the people of this town Who share each other's ups and downs Your sleep is safe in Penedono's hand Broken English in the night Politics, pool-cues and spite I know what you're thinking It's like I've known you all my life Through the night to Barcelona I was forced to stay awake The contrast as sharp as a knife And I never will forget this song repeating in my head Or the hands that could have had my life Forget the pickpockets and thieves 'Cause the only taste it leaves is the blood red wine and the land Bootleg beer out of a van, the night that never seemed to end Your sleep is safe in Penedono's hand