It's a sham sham cam 'an candy bought their melons from mandy hari cari bloody mary sittin' next to the tooth fairy the pilot's a rasta he's the anti-pasta the weather's good get ready for the freak you are about to go Superfragilistic come on let's fly superfragilistic how high is high? A bumble bee read my palm a sitar strummed a drone a stewardess from lauderdale served ice creamed cones everything got painless everybody felt fine at a hundred thousand feet a million miles an hour flap your arms lets' go Superfragilistic come on let's fly superfragilistic how high is high? The sky turned green purple then we moved to another dimension when we got to another space you could almost feel the tension coconuts filled with calada giant screen, not-stop show close your eyes flap your arms flap your wings let's go