
Happy Apple Poison


Tom: Ab

 -acoustic or clean electric

                   part 1           
|---------------------------------------| |---|
|---------------------------------------| |---|  (repeat part one 4 times
|-----2---2-1---1---------4---4-2---2-1-| |---|    then end on the low note)
|---------------------------------------| |---|
|---------------------------------------| |---|
|-2-----2-----1------2/4----4-----2-----| |-2-|

            -after "the sun will shine upon you"
(but not on all the others)              part 2
   |----------------|       |--------------------------------|
   |-2-x-2---2-x-2--|       |--2-x-2---1-x-1---4-x-4---2-x-2-|
   |-2-x-2---2-x-2--|       |--2-x-2---1-x-1---4-x-4---2-x-2-| (then do part
   |-4-x-4---4-x-4--|       |--4-x-4---3-x-3---6-x-6---4-x-4-|   one twice
   |-4-x-4---4-x-4--|       |--4-x-4---3-x-3---6-x-6---4-x-4-| and repeat 
   |-2-x-2---2-x-2--|       |--2-x-2---1-x-1---4-x-4---2-x-2-|part 2 twice)

"you were born to make me die"
         part 3

    -this next part i cant quite figure out... its somethin like this...-

              part 4
"you are"..."final word"..."you are"..."proud another"
|---------------------------------------------| *i know this is probly wrong, 
|---------------------------------------------| but as far as i know, it the
|-9\---------7\-------------9\---------11\----| only happy apple poison tab 
|-9-\x8------9-\x8----------9-\x8------11-\x8-| out there*
|-7/---------7/-------------7/---------9-/----| (do part four four times)

part 1 x 4
part 3
part 4 x 2

maybe i'll figure out the bridge later

sorry for the imperfections but its better than nothing :)