Love and Rockets

Sweet Lover Hang Out

Love and Rockets

Tom: B

       Riff A      F#             B                         Riff B
E|-----------2--2--2--2--2--2--2--2--2--2--2---| |--------------9--------|
B|-----------2--2--2--2--4--4--4--4--4--4--4---| |--------------11-------|
G|-----------3--3--3--3--4--4--4--4--4--4--4--*| |--------------11-------|
D|-----------4--4--4--4--4--4--4--4--4--4--4--*| |--------------11-------|
A|--0p2p4h4--4--4--4--4--2--2--2--2--2--2--2---| |--------------9--------|
E|--------2--2--2--2--2--2--2--2--2--2--2--2---| |--------------9--------|

    Swep up and down with Wah pedal                   Bridge
E|--------------------------7-----------------| |------------9-----------|
B|--------------------------7-----------------| |------------11----------|
G|--------------------------8-----------------| |*-----------11----------|
D|--------------------------9-----------------| |*-----------11----------|
A|--------------------------9-----------------| |------------9-----------|
E|--------------------------7-----------------| |------------9-----------|

    Let it ring with Wah pedal
E|--------------7--------------------------------------| |---------------|
B|--------------7--------------------------------------| |---------------|
G|--------------8--------------------------------------| |---------------|
D|--------------9--------------7--7--7--7--7--7--7--7--| |---------------|
A|--------------9--------------------------------------| |---------------|
E|--------------7--------------------------------------| |---------------|

The Riff A is played with an acoustic Guitar in the beginning of the song and some parts in the middle.
The other part (Riff B) is played with a loud distorted guitar with Wah-Wah Pedal.
After the bridge is played by a sinth over the riff-a a secuence of C#, D# and E.
Enjoy.Additions, comments,corrections:
OLGA needs you. Send me your contribuitions.
This mailing list (GTML) is not related with OLGA.
==                       TABA TUD  EXPA NATION                        ==

E|----------| ----------                ----t---|
B|----5h8---| Hammeron       ----(8)--- Ghost          ----6---| Tap
G|----------| ---------- Note           --------|
D|----5p8---| Pulloff        ----------                --------|

E|----------| ----------                -----p--|
B|----5/8---| Slide Up       -----x---- Dead           -----7--| Pop
G|----------| ---------- Note           --s-----|
D|----5\8---| Slide Down     ----------                --5-----| Slap

E|----------| ||------|| Repeat         --------|
B|----5~~~--| Vibrato        ||*----*||                ---5^---| Bend
G|----------| ||*----*||                --------|
D|----------| ||------||                --------|

E|----------| ----------                --------|
-4:------- Time           ----------                --------|
-4:------- Signature      ----------                --------|
E|----------| ----------                --------|

  w = whole note            W = dotted whole
  h = half note             H = dotted half
  q = quarter note          Q = dotted quarter
  e = eighth note           E = dotted eighth
  s = sixteenth note        S = dotted sixteenth
  t = 32nd note             T = dotted 32nd
  x = 64th note             X = dotted 64th
  ^ = triplet