
Goldie Ella


Goldie ella cleans the kitchen of her house 
The summer heat on friday as we're driving into town 
It's never changing 
I was in her love all day and when I'm falling she's a love that can't be swayed 
And when I'm dreaming I know she waits for me,
and goldie ella will awaken me from sleep 
She's nursing baby sparkles as they fall around her feet, her garden's ever growing 
As she sings them all to sleep her melody's infectious her star is in the sky 
We'll all be taken care of from August till juillet 
Goldie ella close the the curtains of her house and little baby's sleeping 
So she's quiet as a mouse...it's never changing and this trip could take all day 
And when I'm falling I think it's better that I stay 
The autumn leaves they start to fall, so where are we headed now 
And will you catch me after all