The mind is a traveler far beyond reckon And can take you away from your pain. From the time that were born To the moment we die, It protects til the end of our days. So then how is it we bleed forever in pain When our loves ones are swept far away It's the fear and the anger the illusion of dying That I felt as you went to your grave I bleed! Why won't you talk to me Why can't you answer me? I lay here alone and afraid I called out your name so many times To keep all the sadness at bay (away). Why won't you talk to me Please won't you talk to me Please won't you answer me I'm back in your arms once again. My life is forever tied with (to) your memory Ill never forget what you said I bleed! Gone without a trace I won't forget You were so tired I understand Please rest in peace As I lament 2 AM and I stopped breathing Years pass on, I can't stop dreaming. Haunting cries drown my own screaming The sun has risen, I am free to live. Tears fill my eyes and I weep Your face fills mind as I bleed For all of these years, I'm so happy.