Quick! Gain time! Be ready! Use yourself! Behead a muse, fear the weakest could get some time in the bee. Some freedom from their yoke. There's no time to lose, we've got no time to lose. Lose no time - get ready for conflict. You fall behind and I build my life on the ruins of your life. The ruins of your failure. Your fall will be my rise. Your fall creates my gain. By now it's certain what didn't come, it came, that in present - force has biased you to achive, to defeat, win and compete. Tell me, what is your aim? What is to come, more time to waste? Someone who succeeds unscrupulous, that's what we wanna see. As a whore of your time you're willing and you're wanted and success seems to be programmed, essential, inescapable. Come what may come You're the product of gluttony Born from haste, reared by steady inessentiality to serve your time - which never lasts to feel your life- is ruled, by a regime which 's treated like a person which claims and we obey. Even though it is created just by us, we obey. We abandon ourselves to the deception, born from ease, that we can't change. Our ready-made living, it oppresses us. Not caused by a single person, suppression hides in every single element of a capitalistic life Those who care most about their fellow men are necessarily left with nothing. 'Cause the system benefits egoists and hypocrites. They are the ones who leave behind everyone else - in greed an narcism. The bee's victims are punished with oblivion, they are doomed to fail. So most follow what whispers in their ear: Quick! Gain time! Be ready! Use yourself! Fear the weakest could get some time.