Lost Opera

Luzibel (Banshee) (Part II)

Lost Opera

My soul is desecrated by Evil, revenge fullness
I'll set up an army, heartrending pain
My power is my hatred
I'll defeat you and declare you a pitiless war!
Heartrending pain
Heartrending pain

Ne nos inducas in tentionem
Sed libera nos a malo

My troops are ready today
The revenge's time is coming

They changed me to separate us
You will always be able to protect your people
But traitorous
Will pay for what they inflicted on me

Your family's treason made me sink
Believing in it destroys me!

Dominos, inferalis daemon
Fiat vo-luntas tua
Sanctificetur no-men tuum
Et adveniat regnum tuum

I will impose my superiority
By winning this ultimate battle

I'm not what I used to be

They'll die from my hand
The hand of Luzibel!