My evening walks far from my jail and too few stars for me. 
Words have left the wife, sleep wraps her sons, their vain love I don't need. 
Moon smiles at me through my glass, around are dancing trees. 
The sound of steps on the wet grass, my thoughts at last are free. 
I drink the health of my bottle with me in my misery. 

Invaders..... [x7] 

Dance, dance, dance, the dance of a strange light 
Is hypnotizing me 
I'm frightened and charmed by this sort of dream 
Are my eyes seeing reality? 

Invaders.... [x4] 

Will the space angels take away my soul? 


This world of light from the sky, eh, eh, around me smiles 
No family ties tonight, eh, eh, no sons, no wife 

Heart is beating fast 
Sight is blinded by the dust 
Has filled the mouth 
No one listening to the desperate shout 

New way away! 

All this seems so true 
Bottle changes the point of view 
Is denied in the mist 
In my grey home no more I resist 

I stay away! 

Net, net, net, the star fisher's net 
sows fear while drawns me in 
Universe is inhaling me 
I'll reach heaven, I'll be forever free 

Invaders...... [x4] 

The space gates are opening to take me in 

This world of light from the sky, eh, eh, around me smiles 
No family ties tonight, eh, eh, no sons, no wife 

Floating in void I see down green fields 
The world I leave watches sad my doom 
A defrauded king is leaving his realms 
A vague gloom fills the heaven room 

Strong light switches on 
I look beyond 
Home, wife and sons 
They are still here 

Shouts still 
do silence kill [x2] 

They invade all my own space 
My freedom falls in disgrace 
My choices of the past 
Have wasted my love too fast 

Invaders are there.....