Tom: E

---------0-0-2-2------------------ (riff 1)

(that twice then)
-----2-2-------------------------- (riff 2)

-2-2-------------0-0-------------- (riff 3)

(then riff 1 again.. then the drum solo part... its just three chords..
play E  E  A  E  B  A  E 
with pauses in between where the drumer is going crazy  then its the 
whole thing again but then play)
-------------------------------------- (riff 4)

(that leads into a solo that i don't know yet  
then riffs 1  2  3  1 again  then it plays a part with riff 3  
then ends on chord E. do that twice and then)

-0-0-4-4-5-5-6-6-7------------- (end E )