Tom: C The Arockalypse Tabbed by Stephan Peters; * Use dropped D Tuning and have fun! You need a Wah-Wah for the solo, you need to here it for yourself, where you push the I hopw you'll understand, how I wrote the Solo part, it's really tricky... /= slide up \= slide down x= mute note h= hammer on P.M = Palm Mute b = bend string up r = release string ~ = at first: don’t stop the chord / later: vibrato The Verse is without guitar Bridge: E|-----------------| B|-----------------| G|-----------------| D|-5---0---2-3---5-| A|-5---0---2-3---5-| D|-5---0---2-3---5-| Chorus (play this part 2 times) E|-----------------------------------| B|-----------------------------------| G|-----------------------------------| D|-7---2--3--2-5--xx-3-5--xx-3-5-----| A|-7---2--3--2-5--xx-3-5--xx-3-5-----| D|-7---2--3--2-5--xx-3-5--xx-3-5-----| Chorus end E|--------------------------------------------------0------| B|-------------------------------------6-5--------5--------| G|-----------------------------------5----------4----------| D|-7---2--3--2-5--xx-3-5--x-x-3-5--3~~~~~~~~--2~~~~~~~~-7~-| A|-7---2--3--2-5--xx-3-5--x-x-3-5--3~~~~~~~~--2~~~~~~~~-7~-| D|-7---2--3--2-5--xx-3-5--x-x-3-5--3~~~~~~~~--2~~~~~~~~-7~-|