Lordes Werre

When The Stars Turn Black

Lordes Werre

When The Stars Turn Black

The spirit realm has sent back my soul 
A dark phantom of the underworld 

After the luminace is forever gone 
That's when I rise once again 
For when the pious light became 
From the stars and planets I fell 
The apparition spoke my new name 
To remember for all eternity 
And with this, I draw upon 
The darkest divinity 

Living only in the blackness 
Forever anxious for the doors opening 
My blood put into mankind 
And man yearns for his history 

I've entered the mortal plane again 
I cannot feel, all emotion lost 
Save for my hatred which drives my lust 
To destroy he who died on the cross 

As I fell to the Earth's core 
Searing heat burning my body 
The magma turned my soul to ash 

When the stars turn black 
Reincarnation I will acquire 
Mankind perished by me 
The Dark Entity