It seems like a long time ago Felt the sun on my face A life lived with so much regret There has to be a better place A bitter wind, an empty skin Of all once held true Searching for reasons I wonder if Time can heal these wounds A path that's well worn, returned here again Once more, oh I'm unsure I'll find another road Sometimes in finding your way, you lose yourself When the mirror's eye shows the face of a stranger CHORUS: I'm hearing the same old lines Don't tell me it's true when you look in my eyes Keep telling the same old lies... An ever broken dream Crushed again and again Should we lie or a truth be told As a means unto an end? A path that's well worn, returned here again But this time, oh now I know I'll find another road A way to believe, a way back to me But I know that this sadness will stay forever REPEAT CHORUS SOLO: LT / LT (HARMONY) / MARK FURTNER REPEAT CHORUS OUT